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Quality & Safety

About Wentworth-Douglass

Data was last updated on March 29, 2018. 

Focusing On Safety From Every Angle

Wentworth-Douglass Hospital is committed to improving the health of our community by achieving high quality outcomes, patient and family centered experiences, and healthcare value. We believe that transparently sharing our results drives us toward achieving excellence.

What is Zero Preventable Harm?

As part of our commitment to safety, Wentworth-Douglass has set an organization goal called “Zero Preventable Harm” where we strive to eliminate all preventable injuries while patients are under our care. To help us achieve this goal, we have developed the SAFETY 360 program, focusing on safety from every angle to help ensure both a culture of safety and a culture of continuous process improvement. 

Our Quality Data

When it comes to making health care decisions, it is important for you to have useful information from trusted sources. Wentworth-Douglass Hospital supports efforts to make hospital comparison data easily available. We provide this information as a service to help you in choosing health care services.

Additional quality data is posted in the individual units on our Patient 360 posters. 

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